Thursday, October 7, 2010

Big Changes in the Willis House...Part 2

Nearly 10 years ago Michele and I had a number of meetings with the Alabama State Board of Missions discussing, seeking, and praying to see whether or not God might be calling us to plant a church. As you might imagine, these were anxious yet exciting times for us praying over this new venture. However, at the end of the day, we felt it best to continue in the ministry where we were serving at the time. I was on staff at an awesome fellowship that was allowing me to finish seminary and frankly, neither Michele nor I felt a complete “release” from God to pursue new ministry options.

Since those meetings a decade ago, there have been times God has rekindled within us that vision of church planning. I have had the privilege to pastor 2 congregations since that time yet deep within my soul there has been a yearning…a stirring of what if. What if my family took this leap of faith? What if God all along has been orchestrating all things in my life to accomplish something AMAZING for His glory (by the way, He has a habit of doing that you know)? What if I literally took God at His Word and BELIEVED HIM that He IS Who He says He is and WILL DO what He says He will do?

I’m tired of what ifs. I shudder to think what my life will be one day, sitting on the front porch of my life, reflecting on the “what ifs”. Today is the day. No more what ifs.

After months (yea, even years) of prayer with my wife and a number of our close friends, Michele and I are sensing God calling us to plant a congregation.
This decision was difficult to make- difficult in the sense that we wrestled with our own lack of faith, our own confidence, and our own deficiencies. Yet we are drawn to the Scriptures and are clearly reminded that our confidence is in Christ, our abilities rest in His power, and our faith arises out of His promises.
So you may be asking what are the details about this new congregation? Here is what we feel like we know at this time.

• OUR PRAYER - We have assembled an intercessory prayer team that is committed to pray for us through this journey. In fact, we would love to add you on our email prayer team. If you can commit to pray for us on a regular basis, let me know and we’ll place you on our PT. Shoot me an email at and we’ll take care of the rest!

• OUR PROCESS – So how will all this go down? I am currently working through the steps of this congregation becoming a 501C-3. Please pray for this as it is a lengthy and time consuming venture! I have also gone through a number of training sessions with Association of Related Churches. These sessions have proven to be vitally helpful in equipping us for the journey ahead. Additionally, we will be finalizing our Board of Directors over the next 2 months so we covet your prayers for wisdom and discernment. Starting in January of 2011, we will be hosting monthly “gathering” times of worship and vision casting. Then, in April of 2011, our monthly gatherings will culminate with a public Good Friday service with our first launch service being Easter Sunday of 2011!

• OUR PURPOSE – So what will this congregation be about? I strongly believe that church should be simple and not complex; life giving and not life constricting; relevant, and relational. It will be a congregation that is driven for God’s glory, enabled by God’s Spirit, centered on God’s word, and sent by God’s Son to accomplish the greatest mission ever committed to mankind- fulfilling the great commission. With that said, our church will focus on three areas:

Worship & Celebration - The local body comes together in a public setting and celebrates the greatness of God. We will participate together in worship by remembering and rejoicing what God is doing in their private lives. People express their value of God in spirit and truth. Christ is exalted where He draws all men unto Himself.

But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24

Connect & Grow- For the church to get bigger it most become smaller. People are driven by relationships. Small groups are vital to the lifeblood of any church. These groups are not exclusive; meaning that the groups are designed for both believers and non-believers. In fact, these groups serve as a key component in bringing lost people to Christ.

Additionally, these groups provide opportunities for people to mature in their journey with one another and with God. In these groups they discover their giftedness. This results in people “plugging into” the ministry where they are equipped to go serve people with the gospel.

“I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, 14 I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” Philippians 3:13-14

Go & Serve- The goal in mind is for every person, after they have been won to Christ, discipled in their faith, and discover their place in ministry, are challenged to serve people locally and globally with the life giving message of Jesus.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

• OUR PROMISE – I am compelled by Scripture that the New Testament church’s most significant calling is taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. This will be the centrifuge of this church-people being brought to Christ by us intentionally focusing our efforts and resources on the world. To assist in accomplishing this, 20% of the income that is given to this congregation will be given away to help directly support local, national, and international life giving missions. In other words, this congregation will budget itself based on 80% operations/ministry and 20% intentional missions.

Additionally, I am committed to not receive any income from this congregation for at least the first 24-36 months. To help meet the needs in my home, God has graciously opened the door for me to work at a local hospital system as one of their PRN Chaplains.

• OUR PLACE – The area which we feel God leading us to plant a church is the Springville, Al area. Why Springville? This community has seen unprecedented growth over the last 5 -10 years. Couple that with the fact that the state of Alabama has over 2 million lost people (according to ASBOM) we sense this is a large mission field.

• OUR PETITIONS – As stated before, if you would like to commit to being a part of a team of people that will pray for us, let me know. In the meantime, here are some of the requests that we ask you even now to pray for:

-Transition for our family as we are going through the adoption of our daughter from China.

-Approval for the 5013-C status to go smoothly and even granted by the end of the year.

-Launch Team to be assembled. We can’t do this alone so we are asking, seeking, and begging God to bring people and families into our lives that share this vision and will commit to joining our team in launching this ministry.

-Location-Though the church is not a place but rather a people, we still would like a physical place for our people to gather!

-We will need a Worship Leader! A major component of what we will do is corporate worship. Please pray God raises someone up to join us in this vision.

We love you all deeply and desire your prayers in the months to come! Keep watching our blogs for updates! Michele's blog is

Ernie and Michele


  1. Praising God for your obedience Brother! I know you will be richly blessed by following His lead. Love you guys!

  2. We have been and will continue to pray for God's direction for you and your family.

  3. Love the ARC and what they are doing, Love you guys and your walk with the we're praying God solidifies your plan and brings to pass HIS WILL!
    Randy Pardue

  4. SOOOO excited!!! Us Morgans (and one Gardner, Mrs. Kay) love your family so much! We have always said that God is going to do even MORE amazing stuff through you! I love how evident God's story and GOD's plan has been the past few months! When you seek Him, He shows you unfathomable things! Thank you for seeking Him and teaching us (and many others) how to hunger for Him and His will! So excited for this...
