Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Carpe Diem

As a kid, I spent two weeks out of my summer with my grandparents. One day, grand mom loaded me and my brother in the car and we headed down to the local gas station. While inside the store, I passed by the candy aisle. Without fully thinking through the consequences, I put one piece of grape gum in my pocket for later. Yes... I was an 8 year old kleptomaniac.

When we returned home, I went to my room and popped the little treasure in my mouth. I was thoroughly enjoying the "grapesation" until I heard a knock on the door. Grand mom, not waiting for a response to her knock request, opened the door. I was caught-dead to rights. Sure, I tried to hide the gum in my cheek but there was no getting around the smell of grapes in my room; not to mention the gum wrapper laying there in all of its glory on the dresser exposing my dirty deed.

Oddly enough, she didn't freak out. She did punish me though and part of her punishment was taking me back to the scene of the crime where I was forced to confess my transgression to the store clerk.
I felt dirty. I would have given anything not to have touched that blessed gum. Who knew grape gum would cause such guilt.

To some degree, we all have a "grape gum" story. Maybe your story, like mine, is a simple, yet poor choice that you really regret. Maybe your story involves complicated decisions, interwoven with deep seeded self resentment of "how could I have been so stupid?" or “what was I thinking?”

We all have histories littered with dysfunction and disappointment. And for many, that history replays itself on the movie screen of our hearts and minds every day. It entangles us in bondage, keeping us from enjoying the FREEDOM of God's grace and forgiveness.

I love what Paul says in Philippians 3. He understood he had fallen woefully short of what God wanted for him and yet listen to his confession: Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:12-14.

In short, as a friend of mine would say, we can't live our life looking in the rear view mirror.
Today is the day! Focus your mind’s attention and heart’s affection on the GREATNESS of God's grace. Enjoy the love He has lavished on us. Capture and renounce those thoughts that bring themselves against the TRUTH of who God says you are. Kick shame to the curb, bask in the beauty of repentance and restoration, and ENJOY all God has for you today. Live in His truth, act on His Word, and watch the transformation take place. Don't delay.

Seize the Day.


  1. I needed this on this Monday...even though I had already read it...good reminder!!!

  2. Could you please rename your blog "Letters for Shalita" and begin each post with "Dear Shalita..."? Not to make things all about me(of course I never do that!)---BUT WOW! how your posts are incredible messages straight from God, to your fingers and then to my heart! Thank you for preaching the Word!
