Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Living Through The Battles

Let’s face it, life can be quite the struggle at times. There will be seasons in all of our lives that will try the very epicenter of our faith. Whether they are financial, physical, relational- life can and will be a battlefield. These battles will vary in intensity but they will happen. The reality is the battles will rage. But the other reality is we can live in victory! Rather than allowing your battle to consume and destroy, wouldn’t you want to enjoy victory despite the battle? Yes you would! You and I can have “success” in the face of our battles.

I love the passage in II Chronicles 20. God’s people are confronted with what appears to be insurmountable odds. A number of nations have formed a coalition and are prepared to wipe out Judah. In the face of this impending disaster, the people and their king take an incredible course of action. Their confessions and attitudes are key for us in enjoying victory in our battles.

First- Go to God. In verses :1-4 they all seek after God! Literally, they sought His face. Instead of going to anyone or anything else, they went directly to the One who could save them-their Deliverer. In the face of what seemed impossible, they went to the God of the impossible! When God is about to do something great, He’ll often choose the difficult and impossible. E.M. Bounds said, “Prayer is a wonderful power placed by Almighty God in the hands of His saints, which may be used to accomplish great purpose and to achieve unusual results.”What’s the lesson? When you are faced with what appears to be the impossible, seek His face.

Second-Keep Your Focus. In verses :5-12. Listen to their words in verse 12-“For we have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are upon you.” Did you hear that? “Our eyes are on you!” In the face of destruction, their focus was on God. Listen my friend, we must acknowledge our complete inadequacy in these battles and at the same time acknowledge God’s complete ability. When we have nothing else but God, it is then we understand He is ALL we need. Mary Queen of Scotts said of the great reformer, John Knox, “there’s only one thing she feared: the prayers of John Knox. This man with God on his side is always in the majority.”

Third-Remember the Nature of Your Battle. Listen to the words of verse :15-“Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's”. God intends for you to be victorious! Therefore, the battle belongs to Him. Let Him win! In other words, stop running interference for God. He is your defender and shield. He has a much better track record of defending us than we do!

Stay tuned for part two of “Living Through the Battles” later this week!


  1. Thank You for still teaching us the Word of GOD whether it is on a blog or facebook we love & miss y'all!

  2. "Stop running interference for God." I like that. Thanks for sharing.
